
Paragraph Writing Practice for Online Learning

Paragraph writing practice online can be a struggle for many young writers. It’s especially tricky when the writing practice is online. Well, I’ve got your back. A quick remedy is within these four simple steps. Follow along to guide students into mastering the art of paragraph writing even when you’re not “face to face.”

Engaging Writing Prompts

Paragraph writing practice online comes to life when the writing prompt is meaningful to the learner. It’s best practice to make sure the student has “buy-in” or feels they relate to the prompt.

Start by making sure the students have the life experiences needed to begin writing. Then you can move into the brainstorming and outlining phase. A simple yet effective graphic organizer is worth its weight in gold.

One benefit of online learning is, the students won’t “misplace” their graphic organizer. You’ll be able to say, “Look, it’s here in your google resources!”

Chunking the Paragraph

Once the ideas are flowing, the students are ready to write.

“Ya, right!” you’re saying.

I know, the students freeze up. It’s so darn frustrating.

Instead of throwing them to the wolves, guide them! Give them one step each day to work on. Once I started this process, it was a game-changer!

I quickly realized my students work harder when giving them one small chunk to work on each day. Not only are the students more motivated, but the quality of work is much greater. No, that’s a win-win!

Teach the Paragraph Structure

Throughout the well-guided writing process, students become very knowledgeable about the structure of a paragraph. Not only do the students know that they need a strong topic sentence, but they know the importance of drawing their readers into their writing.

The Guided Paragraph Writing Structure

The topic sentence:

  • is the most important sentence
  • will focus your paragraph
  • will let the reader know what to expect in the paragraph

The details should:

  • ALL relate to your topic sentence
  • Details may be:
  • Description
  • Definition
  • Fact
  • Explanation
  • An example

The conclusion should:

  • re-state the topic sentence with new wording
  • NOT give new information

The Final Touches include:

  • title
  • hook sentence
  • transitional words or phrases
  • adjectives and adverbs
  • figurative language

Combine It

Paragraph writing practice online then becomes they favorite activity in the last and final step. The students simply use the copy and paste tools to combine all their hard work into one paragraph.

In addition, my students complete a writing checklist to edit and revise their work. Oh, how satisfying it is to check off a job well done!


While we are on the subject of writing, make sure your students have a solid grasp of paragraph writing. Check out my FREE Structured Paragraph Handbook, which will guide you and your students through the steps needed to create the perfect paragraph.

Done for You Paragraph Writing Practice Online

I know you’re busy. So I’ve created Monthly Paragraph Writing Practice in Google Apps just for you!

If I have not convinced you to include paragraph writing practice online, you may be interested in my Guided Paragraph Writing Taught in 7 Simple Steps blog post.

But, I hope you go digital! 🙂

Everything discussed is ready to share online with your students, with a simple click of your mouse!

Sample of the Monthly Paragraph Writing Practice
Free Paragraph Writing Handbook to elementary teachers.
Click the image to grab your FREE copy today!

FREE Paragraph Writing Handbook & Lessons

Join the email list and I’ll send you a FREE guide to teaching reluctant writers. Plus, I have a FREE Writing Craft to get you started.