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Johnny Appleseed Activities for Engaging In More Writing

Johnny Appleseed has been a long time staple for many elementary classrooms. Reading, speaking, and writing are skillfully woven throughout the study of this one legend.

If you haven’t jumped on board, or maybe it’s been a while since you’ve carved out a little time to focus on this all-time favorite throughout our country, let me convince you to do so.


Reading About the Legend

Since the study of apples and the man who goes with it has been around for a while now, there are many great versions of this legend. In fact, there’s a bonus for comparing and contrasting several versions of the story.

Here are a few of my favorites to use as a read-aloud:

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Speaking of Johnny

As always, your students will have ample opportunities to speak about Johnny Appleseed and its impact on the world.

For young students, it is essential to have the opportunity to retell the text. After all, there is no better opportunity than using the story.

Eventually, students can retell the story with the main idea statement and supporting facts. I have a few favorite graphic organizers that aid students through the retell process. Since graphic organizers are key to speaking and writing success, I have included them in my activities.

Let’s not forget about the all-important sentence stems. For many students, the small crutch of the sentence stem can give them that little bit of support needed to be successful.


Writing About the Legend

After reading and speaking about the legend, you have to capitalize on it with writing. After all, I have this little belief that we should include writing in EVERY activity as educators. Do you agree?

Here’s my motto; take it to the writing level. Yes, go the extra mile to go a little deeper and always include a writing opportunity. I also have a few blog posts on writing engagement strategies here.

Here’s a few of the writing prompts I provide for my students:

  • What have you learned from the legend of Johnny Appleseed?
  • Johnny Appleseed was also known for his kindness to animals. What animal do you value, and why?
  • In your opinion, what is the best form to enjoy an apple? Why?
  • Johnny Appleseed slept outside under the trees. Have you ever slept outside? Write about an experience when you did not sleep in your bed.
  • Johnny Appleseed is a legend and known for his good deeds. What would you like to be known for throughout your life?
  • If you could travel around planting seeds, where would you go and why?

While you’re at it, you may want to check out my FREE Structured Paragraph Handbook, which will guide you and your students through the steps needed to create the perfect paragraph.

Now that’s taking it to writing!

As always, I hope I’ve convinced you to study this all-time favorite legend. If you’d like to create the same learning experience for your little kiddos, you can grab my Johnny Appleseed Activities and Writing Resource in my TPT shop.

Happy writing,


Sentences, Paragraphs, and Essays ebook on display.

If you’re looking for more ideas on creating a writing routine that works for your elementary-aged students, be sure to check out my Sentences, Paragraphs, and Essays: Oh, my! E-book. You’ll love the tips, tricks, and activities to excite your students about writing!

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