Back to School Night will be easy and breezy with my tips to impress. All you need is a little prep ahead of time to create a carefree and relaxed night. It’s a sure-fire to impress!

The Back to School Night Welcome

Be sure to welcome your families at Back to School Night. Not only is a warm smile welcoming, but so is a kind note, banner, or display sign. Here are a few of my favorites posted.


Don’t forget to reintroduce yourself. To streamline my introduction, I print out my meet the teacher letter for families. The message helps to connect us on a more personal level. My teacher letter usually includes my name and photo, a little about my family, my teaching experience, Five Fun Facts about myself, and contact information.

Focused on Back to School Information

Back to School Night is all about delivering the essential information needed for students and families to succeed. So be sure to stay on topic and provide the information at a perky pace. This is where a PowerPoint Presentation is critical.

The prepared slides will keep you moving along without forgetting anything important.

Any PowerPoint with your personal information will do. Here is a sample of my Editable Back to School PowerPoint Presentation

Back to School Handouts

Much of your presentation will require parents to take note. I like to ease them of the trouble and have it all in the handout. My favorite format is in a brochure style or FlipBook, as seen here.

Teacher Tip

If you are in a bind, print the slides from your presentation. PowerPoint offers many options under the print setting. My favorite is to print six slides to a page. The slides are easy to read in this format.

Back to School Night Sign-Ups


Most often, you will have parents kindly ask if they can help support you. In my case, the answer is always a vast, YES, PLEASE!

  1. Parent Sign-Up Forms
  2. “Pick a Tag” tree-The idea is for families to “pick” a tag with an item I have requested. At any point, the families may then send that item to school for the class.

It’s incredible how generous family can be, with their time and gifts alike.
If you would like to save a little more time, you can find these items in my TPT Store already created for you!

Once you have each of the above items prepped, you’ll be able to have the calm and relaxing night I mentioned.


P.S. If you also want some writing activities that look amazing on your wall for Back to School Night, you may want to check out this blog post.


While we are on the subject of writing, make sure your students have a solid grasp on paragraph writing. Check out my FREE Structured Paragraph Handbook, which will guide you and your students through the steps needed to create the perfect paragraph.


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